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Mostostal Kraków is a company with long traditions – the history dates back to 1945. Since March 1991, we have been operating as a joint-stock company Mostostal Kraków S.A. One of the most important moments was the entry in 2002 into the Budimex Group, which is the leader in construction industry in Poland.

May 1945

The private company named Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Mostów i Konstrukcji Stalowych Mostostal is established, whose main activity was the reconstruction of bridges destroyed during World War II.

May 1945
May 1945

The 50s

The main area of activity of Mostostal was the construction of the newly established Huta im. Lenin in Krakow - Nowa Huta.

The 50s
The 50s

From the 1960s

Mostostal's expansion to the entire territory of Poland and foreign markets, which was a fresh approach in the culture and strategy of Polish construction industry.

From the 1960s
From the 1960s

The 90s

Transformation of the company into a sole shareholder company of the State Treasury Mostostal Kraków S.A.

Mining and Energy Plant Sobieski Jaworzno III
Mining and Energy Plant Sobieski Jaworzno III


In October, Mostostal Kraków S.A. joins the Budimex Group

EKOCEM Dąbrowa Gónicza 2000r.
EKOCEM Dąbrowa Gónicza 2000r.


Launch of the second Steel Constructions Manufacturing Plant in Kleszczów and creation of a department responsible for gas pipelines welding.

Steel Constructions Manufacturing Plant in Kleszczów
Steel Constructions Manufacturing Plant in Kleszczów
May 1945 The 50s From the 1960s The 90s 2002 2017


Ekspansja Mostostalu na całą Polskę oraz rynki zagraniczne, co stanowiło nowość w kulturze i strategii polskiego budownictwa przemysłowego.

Huta Katowice 1976r.
Huta Katowice 1976r.